Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May Day

Dear Parents of Machine Pitch A's,

We had a great game last Sunday, with a 17 - 0 victory over the Red Sox. We were helped by the Holiday Weekend Schedule, as many of the Red Sox' best players were absent. They will have a chance to even up the record when we meet them again on June 7. For now, though, our Athletics continue to lead the Machine Pitch league, thanks both to solid hitting and some remarkable fielding. Mert is headed for a "Golden Glove" award from his place on the pitcher's mound. This week, our game will be on Saturday morning at 9:30, so please, don't let your girls and boys stay up all night watching the fireworks. (We have a great view from our 20th story apartment, which, by the way, is for sale....) We will be playing against the Braves. I have only had one of the Braves at our SW Moscow batting practice, and he hit almost every ball pitched to him, so let's be ready for a tough game.

Play Ball!

Todd Kerns, Coach

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