Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Thank you for enrolling your child in the Moscow Youth Baseball League for the 2008 Season. We are pleased to inform you that your child has been selected to play for the Athletics, also known as the A’s. In choosing a team, we looked not only at a child’s athletic ability, but at the character of the child, and of the parents as well. We believe that both the children and the parents will have a wonderful time this season as we spend our sunny Saturday mornings with the children on the baseball field. Win or lose, we have assembled a great group of people.

When? We do not yet have concrete information about the times and dates of the games, as we await a decision from the Anglo-American School. For now, let us assume that the games will be every Saturday at 10 in the morning, from 19 April until 14 June. The exceptions will be 4 May and 18 May, which will be Sunday afternoon games, around 2 in the afternoon.

Where? All games will be played on the Lower Fields at Anglo-American School. (http://www.aas.ru/)

Who? There is a roster of the team at the bottom of this letter..

What do you need? We will provide an Athletics Shirt and Cap. You must provide your child with a baseball glove. Ordinary athletic shoes and clothing will be fine—no special clothing is required.

What do we need? We would like one parent volunteer to coordinate the providing of snacks for each game. We would like another to volunteer to be the team photographer and/or videographer. We have set up a blog site to share photographs, videos, schedules, and other information each week. The address is http://www.moscowAs2008.blogspot.com/.

How to play? There will be practice sessions so that the children can learn to hit balls from the batting machines. John Fekete will organize this at Rosinka, other coaches will do so at AAS, and Scott Poulsen and I will do so in South-Western Moscow.

We will give you more information as it becomes available. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Welcome to the Team! We’re looking forward to a great season.

Todd Kerns - Coach

John Fekete, Assistant Coach

Scott Poulsen, Assistant CoachTeam

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