Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Baseball Saturday at 11:00

Dear Parents of Machine Pitch A's,

This Saturday we will have the classic "Big Game." If our A's beat the Devil Rays, then it will be mathematically impossible for us not to be the league champions. If we lose, then it is likely that we will share the title with the Devil Rays. The Rays have some older boys who are great hitters, but on the whole, I think that our younger, smaller team has consistently better players, and we will have a very good chance on Saturday. I encourage you to make sure your girls and boys are well rested, and that they get some practice somehow before Saturday.

I need a volunteer to bring snacks on Saturday.

Also, I think I left my clip-board at the last game. Can an AAS parent please check lost and found for me? It will be obvious, as it has a team roster on it which includes the name of your child.

See you at the game!

Todd Kerns

P.S. The final game of the season will a Saturday 7 June 9:30 - 11:30 rematch against the Red Socks. We are trying to work out the details of a barbecue and awards ceremony that day.

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